Designers Wang & Söderström’s Catalog of Necessary Objects

Design team Wang & Söderström do fantastical things with digital renderings of everyday objects.

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Wang & Söderström are Copenhagen-based designers with an eye for the digital. Founded by spatial and furniture designer Anny Wang and architect Tim Söderström, the team creates illustrations, GIFS, videos, and more, always with a strongly defined sense of virtual space.

In addition to working with clients like Nike, The New York Times, Pitchfork, and Dazed, Wang & Söderström have a portfolio of captivating personal work, and exhibited worldwide.

Wang & Söderström often play with the objects in their rendering library to create strange tableaus, “a curated and indexed collection of the wobbly and of the geometrical,” as the designers put it. “It is a mixed plate of things that feel familiar and things you have never seen in this world.” The same goes for their video work, in which objects roll, swell, and fall apart in unexpected ways.

In their work Sample Pack from Earth, part of a group exhibition in Malmö, Sweden, the designers created a rendering that playfully imagines what items might best represent the diversity of natural and human-made materials on Earth. “Imagine if we were able to ship a box that could contain whatever substances we put in it, for millions of years. A vacuum sealed box filled with some of the most wondrous materials of planet Earth, preserved exactly as they are now.” According to Wang & Söderström, these items include concrete, agate, popcorn, and a yoga mat.

Find more of Wang & Söderström’s design work and personal projects at their portfolio.


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