The Standard x Miami Rail’s New Writer Retreat Program

The Standard Spa and Miami Rail have teamed up for an arts writer-in-residency program that sounds like a dream.

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This week, The Standard and Miami Rail announced a new residency program for arts writers. It includes five nights stay at The Standard Spa in Miami Beach, airfare, meal stipend and landing a published piece in both Miami Rail and Standard Culture magazines. The insider access to one of the world’s top art cities is an added perk to what sounds like a dreamy vacation.

There are three chances to apply for this residency with deadlines on the first of May, August and November. It’s open to published writers “including (but not limited to) art writing and criticism, personal essay, fiction, creative non-fiction, nature writing, text-based art, profiles, and poetry.” It’s a pretty diverse range that should result in some interesting pieces being written, blissfully, at one of Miami’s top spa hotels.

If you’re interested in applying, you can find all the details here.

Plus, here’s more information about residencies for photographers and don’t forget to check out the 10 best designed hotels in the world.


Header image by Petra Collins via The Standard

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