Every Monday, our Format Magazine astrologist Priya Kale provides professional readings about your creativity, productivity, and career. Find your sign below and follow along each week.
Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19):
Welcome to 2016 Aries! A Capricorn New Moon this week marks a milestone and a new start for you professionally. But first, clarify your long-term personal, professional and creative goals as you let go of those you’ve outgrown. All the success in the world would mean nothing if it didn’t mean something significant to you.
An opportunity arising now can move you to the next level. You needn’t try to please anyone; the “powers that be” are already very pleased with your hard work and want to help you succeed. You have what it takes, so have faith in yourself and what you offer — you won’t sell yourself short. With love, devotion and commitment to mastering your craft, this year you can materialize long cherished professional dream.
Taurus (Apr 20–May 20):
Welcome to 2016 Taurus! Life seems to be moving at dizzying speeds but keep your eyes on the prize as you enter January. You’re reaching the end of a chapter, but there are new avenues opening up now beckoning you to explore distant horizons.
First, take stock of your long-term financial, creative, professional goals so you can make wise choices that lead you in the right direction. Ask yourself what will matter at the end of the day, then choose wisely. Unexpected developments in a professional situation are taking you on a detour. Don’t resent this — stay open minded and you can be shown the road to the freedom you yearn for. This is your chance to realize your true worth.
Gemini (May 21–June 20):
Happy New Year Gemini! Just as you prepare to take a leap of faith, your ruler Mercury stations retrograde this week suggesting: there’s unfinished business to take care of before you can truly be free to move forward with a clean slate.
A creative/financial situation or partnership is evolving asking you to reconsider your involvement within it. You’re not as powerless as you think. Know your boundaries, bottom line, and the value of what you have to offer — then you needn’t fear being strong-armed. Also, it’s always advisable to be careful when mixing business with pleasure, but as long as there is mutual respect, you can re-negotiate and deepen commitments that offer mutual gain, support, freedom and that truly go the distance.
Cancer (June 21–July 22):
Happy New Year Cancer! Life hasn’t been easy lately, but help is close at hand. A Capricorn New Moon this week marks a new start for your relationships, especially one creative partnership. Expect to have at least one important conversation now that brings you a deeper understanding of someone and where things stand.
Focus on a common goal and you can re-negotiate and strengthen a partnership so there is greater teamwork. You could also hear from an old connection, presenting you with a job opportunity that offers greater financial security. We all have bills to pay, but make sure you don’t compromise on passion. If you do what you love, the money will follow and you won’t have to work a day in your life.
Leo (July 23–Aug 22):
Happy New Year Leo! Life has changed irrevocably over the past three years. As you enter 2016, a Capricorn New Moon offers you the chance to re-organize your life so it works better for you. You might be starting a job or project that could be your creative masterpiece. It will require teamwork and daily commitment to your creative process, but it can’t be all work and no play.
Acknowledge and let go of what isn’t working, prioritize your health, and nurture what brings you the deepest sense of joy and purpose. You live and you learn. Hopefully you’re learning that you can create and live a life of deep meaning that also gives back to the world and have fun doing it. Dare to live your truth.
Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22):
Happy New Year Virgo! Your ruler Mercury stations retrograde this week: unexpected developments at work are taking you back to the drawing board. A Capricorn New Moon this week marks a new creative cycle suggesting: there’s nothing fundamentally wrong with an idea, or you for that matter — you’re polishing a diamond. This is also a chance to re-envision and recreate your entire life from its core foundations, so it reflects your inner reality and desires.
You’re creating your life in every moment with your words, actions and deeds. Something might feel like a risk but when in doubt, choose from the heart.
Libra (Sept 23–Oct 22):
Welcome to 2016 Libra! Your ruler Venus makes her annual conjunction to Saturn, just as the Capricorn New Moon aligns, offering you a solid start to the New Year. You can achieve what you set your mind to this year, but you’re also becoming aware of realities that you can no longer deny or live with. It might mean having a difficult conversation, but there’s a sweeter way forward.
You have more authority and say than you think. You need not sugarcoat the truth — just be honest and know your bottom line, especially in financial arrangements. Then you can re-negotiate arrangements that everyone feels comfortable in and can live with. You’re rebuilding your life — the deeper the roots go, the taller the tree can grow.
Scorpio (Oct 23–Nov 21):
Happy New Year Scorpio! Your ruler Mars enters Scorpio this week, putting you back in your element. But as Mercury stations retrograde, you’re learning information causing you to question your involvement in important financial and creative commitments. As fired up as you feel, be driven by passion, not fear; and re-examine beliefs, especially about success and failure, which prevent your progress. Then you can renegotiate commitments that align with your values and you gain from.
Mars spends four months in Scorpio this year, during which time it also stations retrograde speaking of your journey of evolution. Pace yourself so you won’t burn out. This is the year you rise like a phoenix and become the force of change you seek. You’re worth more than you think.
Sagittarius (Nov 22–Dec 21):
Happy New Year Sagittarius! Just as you enter this year, Mercury and Jupiter both station retrograde, asking you to pause and look at how far you’ve come, before you move forward. A conversation you have this week could catch you off guard; or partners might seem to be backtracking. You needn’t convince anyone, nor give in to paranoia or self-doubt. You are master of your craft and have more to give the world than most could dream of.
The Capricorn New Moon in your income sector offers you the chance to renegotiate arrangements so they offer you the financial security you need. Dig deep for your self-worth and have more faith in yourself. 2016 is a year you rise to discover your true place in the world.
Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19):
Happy New Year Capricorn! Over the past few years you’ve undergone a total metamorphosis, chipping away layers to reveal your core essence. The annual New Moon in your sign this week, heralds a new personal start in your journey of unfurling.
You’re not who you were a month ago, so who are you today? Who are you becoming? What are your creative, personal and professional ambitions? What do you dream of? You might not have all the answers, but keep asking the questions and listen to the answers as they arise. This year, if you dare to follow your soul’s calling, you can attract the money, support or resources you need to materialize a vision. The Universe has your back — have more faith in yourself!
Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 18):
Happy New Year Aquarius! As you enter the year, you’re connecting with a cherished goal and there’s at least one lucrative opportunity arising, drawing you into unknown territory. It might stretch your limits of what you think is possible. But as Mercury stations retrograde, become aware of your subconscious ideas, and thought processes, that prevent your progress and limit your potential.
Take time to be introspective, pay attention to your dreams and intuition. Your friends too are an incredible resource, and could connect you with the right person, and or offer you precious perspective on a situation. Whatever you need now – ask and you shall receive. 2016 is a year when you realize, dreams can come true. But first, you have to dare to dream.
Pisces (Feb 19–Mar 20):
Happy New Year Pisces! You’ve reached the end of the road with a professional situation. But there is at least one lucrative opportunity arising that could take your career to the next level. Make the effort now to network; you know people and old acquaintances and friends who can help you further your ambitions.
But a New Moon in your house of hopes and wishes also asks that you to get clear on your goals first, so you don’t get caught up in someone else’s agenda. This is not about success, although that can come. This is your legacy and gift to your community and the world. Reach for your most altruistic ambitions, and you can gather the support of those who share your vision.
All readings by Priya Kale.