The crafty creations of Jessica Dance

Art director/model maker Jessica Dance makes knit objects good enough to eat.

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If you stumbled upon some of Jessica Dance’s work and simply mistook it for beautiful, well-lit photographs of everyday objects, it’d be hard to blame you. While her portfolio is certainly full of excellent photos, the objects, on closer inspection, are mostly knit and made of wool. They’re all so delightfully realistic that you could use them to brush your teeth with, solve a math problem, or snack on.

But that’s not the only thing that the London-based Dance’s craftiness has to offer. The art director, model maker, and prop stylist has created gorgeous work in ads for clients like Nike, Esquire Magazine, and eBay—she’s even made Christmas cards and bespoke hand embroidery for Vogue. Currently, Dance is collaborating with director and animator Robert Francis Muller to create moving image work as a duo—a project that breathes life into her already lifelike prop work.

Original photography by David Sykes and Aaron Tilley.

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