Call for Entry: Format Picks August

This month, we're moving our contest to Instagram. Here's how to enter.


Format Picks is our monthly contest series. Launched in February 2018, it’s an open call for creative work of all kinds, always free to enter. At the beginning of every month, we’ll announce a new theme for you to interpret.

So far, we’ve asked our community to submit work around themes that included self portraiture, the city, the environment, and travel. Our cover image here is from Format Picks June, shot by Christian Carroll.

This month, we’re keeping thing short and sweet. You have just two weeks to enter this edition of Format Picks, and you won’t need to full out an online submission. Entry will be just on Instagram for this edition. Read on to find out how to submit.

August’s contest theme

This month, we’ve selected home as the theme for Format Picks. We want to see what home means to you, whether that’s a memory of the place you grew up in, the apartment you live in now, your parent’s home, what the concept of home means to you, your dream home, the country that’s home for you… As always, feel free to get creative with this theme.

How to submit

It’s super simple. Just head to Instagram and tag #formatpickshome and @useformat on the post you want to enter. You don’t have to create a new post necessarily; feel free to add the tag to an existing post if you think it’s a good fit for the theme of home.

Posts can be image or video format, and can include as many images as you like. As usual, we’re looking for visual work of all kinds. Photos, drawings, paintings, videos, whatever medium you use to create. However, entry is limited to one post per person. If you use the hashtag on more than one post, we will only consider the first post in our judging.

We will be judging entries based on relevance to the theme, and that includes the caption of your post. So feel free to include some details about what home means to you in your caption. You may want to explain whose home is depicted, where it’s located, why it’s important.

Please be sure to read our Terms and Conditions before submitting. By using #formatpickshome on a post, you agree to enter the contest under these terms.

The prize

This month, we’ll select one Format Picks winner who will receive a $200 USD award. They will also be featured in a Format Magazine article highlighting their work. We’ll be sharing their winning image and also talking to the winner about the background behind their submission.

The deadline

We’ll be accepting entries until August 31, 6:00 pm EDT. If you add your hashtag after this time, we won’t consider your entry in the contest.

Once you tag a post with #formatpickshome, your entry will appear in the gallery below, so check back to see all the entries here as the contest progresses.


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