Zack Barwin: Fotos íntimas de rua do fotógrafo de Toronto

Toronto-native Zack Barwin's curious street photography shows there's more to it than just being in the right place at the right time.

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Toronto’s Zack Barwin is a photographer, focusing on both street photography and action sports. A student at Ryerson, Zack’s work bristles with kinetic energy, capturing a world of motion. He has had his work published in Sophomore Magazine and Function, as well as part of exhibitions such as Salon of Inclusiveness at The Black Cat in Toronto.

When out photographing on the street, Zack is hunting for details that others may not immediately notice. Drawn to individuals with a distinct look, his images are as enchanting as they are arresting. As a documentarian, none of Zack’s images are staged — instead they are the result of immersion in the realities of his subjects; being in the right place at the right time.

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