Abertura do concurso de curtas-metragens TIFF x Instagram

Show the world what you can create with your Instagram account.

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Since Vine provided us with the platform to tackle six-second film projects—at first in maybe goofy, rudimentary ways, and eventually growing to become an art form unto itself—social media’s video obsession has unwittingly encouraged its most creatively adventurous users to become masters of economy. In other words, it’s forced us to tell compelling stories in the tiniest windows of time.

Those stories have become so compelling that Instagram—which now allows for up to 60-second videos—is partnering up with the Toronto International Film Festival to hold a digital shorts competition. Submissions will be open until July 20. The hope is that through this highly accessible platform, aspiring and established filmmakers will be able to challenge themselves to put together their best minute (or less) long videos, and gain some recognition.

All you have to do is upload your short film to Instagram, hashtag #TIFFXINSTAGRAM, and fill out this submission form.

After that, the top 30 films will be picked out by TIFF programmers, and showcased on the festival’s website and Instagram feed from August 8-17. The big winner of the Judge’s Choice Award will be chosen by a six-person jury of “film industry professionals and influential Instagram community members.” There will also be a Fan Favourite Award handed out for the most double taps (that’s ♥’s, for you Insta noobs). The winners of those main awards will be announced on August 18, 2016.

If you’re a creative professional (or amateur!) in any field, it’s likely you’ve got a pretty good grasp on Instagram, which makes this a great opportunity to expand your social following. For more on that, check out our 10 social media secrets to help you get more clients. Some of the tips might even help you take home that Judge’s Choice Award.

Find out more about the TIFFxInstagram Shorts Festival here.

Looking for an site de portfólio on-line for your film work? Check out Format’s Slate theme that perfectly hosts your masterpieces.

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