Você gosta de fotografia em preto e branco?

La Noir Image is launching a new iPad magazine.

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La Noir Image, a website that celebrates black and white photography, is launching a new iPad magazine.

Do you live a monochromatic lifestyle? If fotografia em preto e branco makes your heart sing, you need to check out La Noir Image. This digital publication celebrates colorless work from a photographer’s perspective.

Fighting against drab and boring work, La Noir Image pushes the limit of what you expect from black and white photography with contributions by Mariangela Gavioli, Rinzi Ruiz and Walter Rothwell. This isn’t about photographers who use black and white as a crutch—it’s about people who truly see in shades of gray.

Founded by The Phoblographer’s Chris Gampat, this moody and cinematic editorial project needs your help to blossom from a website into a fully functional iPad app. La Noire Image 2.0 will feature tutorials on black and white, photo essays from photographers, musings about black and white photography, plus video content.


(left to right) Images by Salim Hasbini, Iwona Pinkowicz, Matt Hill, Mike Andrews, Rinzi Ruiz

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