Andres Orozco Z: His ‘Retro Future’ explores Han River from mesmerizing new angles

Explore the beautiful structures framing Seoul's famous river.

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Andres Orozco Z. took the long way to discovering his passion for photography. His formal education was rooted in the advertising world, first earning a degree in marketing from Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in his native city of Bogota, Colombia, and shortly after earning a certificate in Art Direction from Escuela de Creativos in Buenos Aires. This led to a job at Leo Burnett, where for five years Orozco worked closely with photographers—eventually discovering that photography had been his calling all along.

Orozco now lives in New York, where he has had the chance to learn at the ICP and hone his craft. His latest series Retro Future captures the enormous structures lining Seoul’s Han River. Orozco’s brilliant eye for shapes turns this previously unseen angles into an otherworldly look at space and structure, “where the vanishing point is an inviting door to discover and unknown land.”

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