Ensayo visual: Georgina Walker

Let painter Georgina Walker remind you of a dream you once had...

03WalkerNightTerrorsTheDreamTheSleepover Georgina Walker

I have had dreams so tactile, so vivid, that it wasn’t the details of the story that stayed with me, but the dream space; a room left imprinted on my mind through its wallpaper, or the color and texture of the floor. Reduced to a feeling, the dream’s narrative quietly permeates these aesthetic elements by association.

Years later, coming across a similar pattern or color in the waking world triggers an unshakeable sense of the uncanny; deja vu brings me back into that uneasy space.

Walker Closet Portal -Objects from My Home. Painting by Georgina Walker
Walker Taking Stock (My Shadow Self) Painting by Georgina Walker

This is the feeling evoked by Toronto-based painter Georgina Walker in her series Summer Solitude Fantasies. Representing the concept of phantasmagoria–a dream-like vision, as well as ideas of femininity, ritual and the built environment, these stages are set and left vacant after plays of human interaction and routine; waking, bathing, eating. Scenes quietly vibrate with anticipation of action, or traces of it–lit cigarettes appear in multiple works, themselves evoking a figure just out of frame. In Walker’s depictions of doorways, windows, and portholes, entry and exit are implied.

What Kind of Woman Sits Here. Painting by Georgina Walker
painting of a room with a round tub. title: Walker Friendship Ritual (Sisterhood) by Georgina Walker
Walker Playing Dress Up by the Pool. Painting by Georgina Walker
Walker Night Terrors (The Dream The Sleepover) painting by Georgina Walker

Working as a Scenic Artist in film and television, the ability to convey character histories in set dressing and tableau carry through to Walker’s art practice. Spaces are rendered vibrantly in oil paint; time established by interior windows, personalities are suggested in style of decor, objects and clothing, while narratives take shape in their placement.

In the absence of shading, spaces in Walker’s paintings are given depth through the use of geometry; overlapping lines determine foreground from back and objects from their surfaces. Pattern gives dimension to these representations of interiors while making them boldly graphic.
In these details, Walker’s paintings hold a beautiful tension between bright and unsettling, dream and nightmare.

07WalkerSelf Portrait Georgina Walker
Walker After Christmas. Painting of a tabletop with an orange and a blue candle holder by Georgina Walker

Graduating with BFA from OCADU in 2013, Georgina Walker has participated in group shows and residency programs.

You can see more of Walker’s work in her Cartera Format y síguela en Instagram.

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Walker Waterfront. painting by Georgina Walker
11WalkerNocturnal Splash Georgina Walker
Portrait of painter Georgina Walker in her studio.
Portrait of the artist, Georgina Walker, in her Toronto studio.


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    Julia Martin es una artista interdisciplinar y escritora cuyo trabajo puede describirse mejor como historias tristes puntuadas por chistes, o viceversa. Julia confía en que sepas que ha escrito esta biografía sobre sí misma, y espera que comprendas que describir sus propios logros y credenciales en tercera persona es profundamente incómodo, pero profesionalmente esperable. Julia es licenciada en Fotografía por la Universidad Metro y tiene un máster en Artes Visuales. Ha expuesto en Canadá y China, así como en Francia y Finlandia, donde realizó residencias artísticas. Julia ha enseñado en la Universidad de Ottawa, ha formado parte de jurados artísticos y ha trabajado como fotógrafa independiente durante quince años, especializándose en la documentación de arte y performances. Desde Toronto, y ahora afincada en Ottawa y Montreal, Julia aporta a sus escritos no sólo experiencias y conocimientos variados, sino también diferentes perspectivas de estas comunidades artísticas.

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