Convocatoria del Concurso de Arte: Format Clásicos

We want to see who or what inspires you. Share your biggest inspiration for a chance to win.

Classics article L

Format Picks es nuestra serie de concursos en curso, en la que pedimos a los artistas que envíen obras sobre diversos temas. Hasta ahora, hemos pedido a la gente que explore temas como viaje, ciudadesy autorretrato.

This month, we’re doing things a little differently. To celebrate the launch of our new creative project Format Classics, we’re asking you to tell us about an individual from history who inspires you to create.

Format Classics is a creative interpretation of the personal websites a few famous historical figures might have made if they had access to the internet. Classics re-contextualizes icons from history to foster the idea that sharing work is central to the creative process. Whether work is new or old, it’s imperative that creators share in order to learn, grow, inspire—and create more.

Cómo participar

Who or what influences your creative work? Is it a painter, a sculptor, a musician, a writer, a filmmaker? To enter the contest, simply download one of our editable images here, and add the person who inspires you—this can be anyone you want. This can be done any way you like, through text, or visuals too if you’re feeling creative.

Entries can be shared on Instagram, as a post or a story, or on Twitter. Be sure to tag us @useformat and use the hashtag #FormatClassics so we’ll be able to see your entry. We’ll be judging and selecting winners based on the creativity of your post. Feel free to include a written caption that provides more background on why you chose the person you did.

Scroll down to find a selection of images you can use for your entry, and below, a sample entry idea.


El premio

We’ll be giving away one grand prize of $250 cash, plus a $250 gift card from Bolsas ONA. One runner up will also receive $250 cash. Both winners will have their entries shared on our social media channels and in a Format Magazine article.

Please be sure to read our Terms and Conditions before submitting. By using #FormatClassics on a post, you agree to enter the contest under these terms.

The deadline

The contest will be open until midnight EDT on November 7, 2018. Any entries posted after this time will not be considered.



  • icono negro

    En Format, somos un grupo de personas apasionadas en la intersección de la tecnología y la creatividad, unidas por un propósito: ayudar a los fotógrafos a tener éxito. Nuestro equipo se dedica a proporcionar a los fotógrafos y artistas creativos las herramientas y recursos que necesitan para compartir su trabajo y hacer crecer sus negocios.

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Libera tu potencial creativo

Eleva tu trabajo creativo con nuestro exclusivo paquete de inicio. Accede a conocimientos, herramientas y estrategias de valor incalculable para perfeccionar tu arte, mejorar tus habilidades, crear un impresionante portafolio online y avanzar en tu trayectoria profesional.

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