Top Tattoo Artist Hashtags For 2025

Tattoo Artist Hashtags to Get Your Work Seen

If you’re a tattoo artist, the best tattoo hashtags will help your content reach your target audience and accelerate your traffic for more views and shares.

Ever since the rise of social media platforms, people and companies have utilized them as an effective marketing strategy to grow their brands and businesses. A big part of social media involves the use of hashtags, and using the right ones can increase audience engagement. 

Hashtags are a simple, yet effective way for people to find your content. There are a variety of things to know about the proper use of hashtags. If you’re trying to grow your tattoo business, then using the right tattoo hashtags can increase your traffic and return on investment.

person with full back and sleeve tattoos

Hier sind vier wichtige Tipps für die Verwendung von Hashtags, um deine Inhalte für ein größeres Publikum auffindbar zu machen: 

  1. Überprüfe die Hashtags, die auf der Instagram Explore-Seite verwendet werden: Wenn du die Erkundungsseite nutzt, bekommst du einen Eindruck davon, welche Hashtags gerade angesagt sind. Das musst du dir merken: Wenn dein Inhalt auf der Explore-Seite erscheint, erreichst du ein viel größeres Publikum. 
  2. Nutze die Funktion zum automatischen Vervollständigen von Hashtags: Auf Instagram kannst du nach Konten, Orten, Hashtags, Audio und besonders erfolgreichen Inhalten suchen. Wenn du anfängst zu tippen, um ein Schlagwort zu finden, zeigt dir die Instagram-Suchmaschine ähnliche Begriffe an, die du verwenden kannst, um die Reichweite deiner Inhalte zu erhöhen.  
  3. Folge relevanten Hashtags: Yep! Du kannst auch Hashtags folgen, nicht nur Accounts. Sieh dir die anderen Hashtags an, die für die Inhalte verwendet werden, denen du folgst, um dich zu inspirieren.
  4. Nutze ein Social Listening Tool: Social Listening Tools sind leistungsstark und geben dir nicht nur Einblicke in die besten Hashtags, sondern auch in Kampagnen-Hashtags, beliebte Keywords, Branchen-Keywords und vieles mehr.

Coming up with hashtags can be hard, so we’ve done the work for you–here are some of the top tattoo artist hashtags to use on instagram and all your social media platforms, along with some tips for finding your own relevant hashtags. Let’s get started!

Tattoo hashtags – the basics

While the use of Instagram tattoo hashtags might seem self-explanatory, sometimes people can get carried away by using too many, too little, or the wrong ones entirely. It’s easy to spam 30 tattoo artist hashtags after every post you make, but doing so can actually harm your marketing efforts by looking unprofessional.

Use the right symbol and spacing

It might seem obvious, but Tattoo hashtags must start with the # symbol. No other symbols will work for hashtags. In addition, ensure that there are no spaces between your hashtags. For example, #tattooartist would be the proper hashtag, even though it may look wrong without the space between the two words.

Make your account public

It might feel a little intimidating to make your account public for the entire world to see, but hashtags used for content in private accounts won’t draw any engagement from people. With private accounts, only the people on your friend list can see your posted content, and this won’t do much for growing your brand.

Keep it short and relevant

The most effective top tattoo hashtags are the ones that are short, concise, and to the point. Hashtags should also be related to your brand, so if you’ve been trying to grow your tattoo business but have been using entirely unrelated hashtags like #socialinfluencer or #travel, then that could be a problem.

Use location-based hashtags

The last tip to keep in mind when you’re trying to find and use the best tattoo hashtags in your content is to use a combination of both widely used and more specific hashtags. A simple way to get more specific is to include your location, such as your city, nearby cities, and your state or country. Research the local tattoo artist hashtags by searching on Instagram or browsing other local tattoo artist feeds, and help local clients find you with these hashtags. 

#[yourcity]tattooartist #[yourcity]tattooartists #tattooartist[yourcity] #[yourcountry]tattooartist

Don’t forget–try to limit your use of tattoo hashtags to only the most necessary and specific ones, and don’t go overboard by using too many. Instagram limitations keep your total to 30, but their Creators tool suggests using between 3-5 per post, with a combination of popular and less used hashtags.

What tattoo hashtags should I use?

For tattoo artists, the most commonly used Instagram tattoo hashtags will undoubtedly have the word ‘tattoo’ in them. 

Here is a list of some of the most commonly used tattoo artist hashtags that will give your content a greater chance of being seen by more people:






















As you can see, not all of these hashtags use the word tattoo, but are still related being a tattoo artist. Consider using a combination of these top tattoo hashtags for the best results.

How can I find the best tattoo hashtags?

Finding the best tattoo hashtags can seem a little confusing at first, especially if you don’t know what to look for. 

There are a number of ways to find the best tattoo hashtags:

Other tattoo artists

A good place to start looking is at the social media profiles of other tattoo artists. If you’re a tattoo artist, you’re bound to be following at least a few other professional tattoo artists in the industry.

Consider taking a look at some of their recent posts or even at their tattoo hashtags from previous years to get a better idea of which ones are being repeatedly used. While doing your tattoo artist hashtag research, you’ll start to notice a trend and see that other tattoo artists are using the same ones in many of their posts. 

Jot down a list of some of the most relevant and popular hashtags that other tattoo artists are using, and begin utilizing them in your own social media content. 

Hashtag generators

Sites like und are good resources for finding popular hashtags for a specific industry. On, you’ll even get a list of the top 10 tattoo hashtags with an indicator of how often they’re being used. 

There is also a copy button that you can click that instantly copies all of the hashtags related to #tattoo. If you’re going to use the copy feature, be careful not to use every single hashtag listed so things don’t look spammy.

Why should I use tattoo hashtags?

Tattoo hashtags allow your content to pop up on social media platforms to interested audiences. You’ll increase your brand awareness, and the more people that know that you’re a thriving tattoo artist, the more customers you’ll have. 

Using tattoo hashtags will:

  • Give your brand a spotlight
  • Help make your brand more noticeable
  • Make your content more trackable

Start using tattoo hashtags

Now that you’re aware of the importance of Tattoo-Künstler hashtags, it’s time to start using them in your own content. If you’re not entirely comfortable with using hashtags yet, start off small with one or two popular ones in your next social media post. The more you use them, the more you’ll see your content reaching more people.

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