Top Street Photography Hashtags For 2022

The Importance of Street Photography Hashtags

Street and documentary photography often tell a powerful story, whether it’s capturing how world events are unfolding, or telling someone’s story through a street portrait. Street photographers, knowingly or not, carry a lot of responsibility in their hands. It’s also important that these images get seen and these stories get told. Hashtags are an easy and effective way to get reach for your street photography. Get in front of your audience by using the top street photography hashtags for your niche.

Street photography is all about telling stories, capturing real, candid moments, documenting the human experience, and exploring the world around us. Street photography is a visual essay of things that have happening in and around a photographer, framed through their camera. As photographers we’re all inherently storytellers by trade, and what better way to make sure our viewers see and hear those stories than but using hashtags. 

Hashtags are an essential part of brand and individual content strategies around the world. An easy way for your audience to find your content, hashtags are clickable links that group your content with other similar content and help increase your social reach to make your content more discoverable to a wider audience. As a street photographer, the right hashtags can help get your images recognized in the wider community of street photographers worldwide.

Hashtags are a part of everyday life, and we’re all pretty familiar with them by now, but hier sind ein paar Tipps um das Beste aus deiner Nutzung herauszuholen:

  1. Check hashtags used in the Instagram Explore page: Using the explore page will give you an idea of what Straßenfotografie-related hashtags are trending. If your content can get onto the Explore page you will be sure to reach a much wider audience.
  2. Nutze die Funktion zum automatischen Vervollständigen von Hashtags: Auf Instagram kannst du nach Konten, Orten, Hashtags, Audio und besonders erfolgreichen Inhalten suchen. Wenn du anfängst zu tippen, um ein Schlagwort zu finden, zeigt dir die Instagram-Suchmaschine ähnliche Begriffe an, die du verwenden kannst, um die Reichweite deiner Inhalte zu erhöhen.  
  3. Folge relevanten Hashtags: Yep! Du kannst auch Hashtags folgen, nicht nur Accounts. Sieh dir die anderen Hashtags an, die für die Inhalte verwendet werden, denen du folgst, um dich zu inspirieren. 
  4. Nutze ein Social Listening Tool: Social Listening Tools sind leistungsstark und geben dir nicht nur Einblicke in die besten Hashtags, sondern auch in Kampagnen-Hashtags, beliebte Keywords, Branchen-Keywords und vieles mehr.

Street Photography Hashtags Table of Contents

  1. Must-Use Street Photography Hashtags in 2022
  2. The Best Instagram Street Photography Hashtags in 2022

Must-Use Street Photography Hashtags in 2022

If you’ve been posting without using hashtags until now, you’re missing out on potentially getting your content in front of a much larger audience. When it comes to choosing hashtags, it’s best to have a balance of more broad, generic hashtags that get used a ton and smaller, hyper-relevant ones. 

We’ve done the legwork for you to identify the most liked street photography hashtags in 2021, 2022, and beyond. You can combine these with more niched-down hashtags for an effective mix that gives you a better chance of getting noticed. 

#streetphotography #travelphotography #streetphotographer #streetphoto #streetlife #streetphotographyinternational 

Top Neon Street Photography Hashtags

One of the most popular subjects in street photography is cool signage, specifically neon signs. Whether you’re chasing the best vintage neon signs or just capturing the bright lights that your city has to offer, these make for great images on their own or as backdrops in your street photography. Try adding these hashtags to your neon street photography images:

#neonstreets #cyberpunk #neonlights #neonvibes #neonflex #neonsign

Top Night Street Photography Hashtags

Shooting the same scene during the day and at night can produce two wildly different images. There’s just something magical about low-light shooting. Some streets go quiet, others come to life, but either way Nacht-Straßenfotografie is an enduringly popular niche. These hashtags can help get your night street photos noticed:

#nightphotography #nightscape #nightphoto #nightshooters #nightimages #nightphotographypros

Top City Street Photography Hashtags

Street photography doesn’t necessarily have to be all about urban life, but cities are definitely one of the most popular settings for this photography type. If your street photography is all about capturing the essence of city life, you’ll want people who love city photography to see your images. These hashtags will help city lovers discover your work easily:

#cityscape #citylife #cityphotography #citypics #cityscapephotography #citygram

Top Fashion Street Photography Hashtags

Street photographers know that you don’t have to be in a super trendy or fashionable part of the world to take advantage of this incredible style. If you shoot street photos of people, you’re sure to capture some photo-worthy street style while you’re at it. People love discovering these looks because they tend to be creative and inspiring while still being wearable. Tag your street fashion photography images with these:

#streetfashion #streetstyle #bestofstreetwear #streetlook #dailystreetlooks #streetwearaddicted

Top Travel Street Photography Hashtags

You don’t necessarily have to travel to create a portfolio full of street photography; you can capture the street scenes wherever it is that you live. However, to those discovering your work, your hometown may be a travel destination. That’s why it’s a good idea to use some travel-related hashtags on your street photography images. Of course, these are also great to use when you’re traveling: 

#streetphotographyjournal #streetlifephotography #travelphotography #travelgram #travelphotographyguide #travelphotographylovers

Top Urban Street Photography Hashtags

The term urban photography is sometimes used interchangeably with street photography, but it’s really a subset of it. While street photography can broadly include all kinds of aesthetics and doesn’t necessarily have to be taken in a city, urban photography is associated with cities and with a specific raw aesthetic. Think busy urban areas and raw architectural elements and textures, such as brick. Try these hashtags on your urban street photography:

#urbanphotography #urbanandstreet #igstreet #streetizm #streetpic #streetvision

The Best Instagram Street Photography Hashtags in 2022

You can use these hashtags on other social networks as well, but Instagram definitely remains the place where a strong hashtag strategy can have the greatest impact. These are the top street photography hashtags to use on Instagram, and wherever else you share your images:

#streetphotographyhub #streetphotographyworldwide #street_is_life #capturestreets #streetview #(nameofyourcity)streetphotography

Top Black and White Street Photography Hashtags

While street photography can offer all kinds of captivating palettes, sometimes the black and white treatment is the way to go. Black and white can make your images look more elegant and timeless or more moody and gritty, depending on the scene and your editing style. Tag your monochrome street shots with these:

#bnw_addiction #moodygrams #everything_bnw #photocommune_bnw#bnw_demand #_bnwart_

Top Architecture Street Photography Hashtags

One of the most interesting subjects to shoot as a street photographer is architecture. Whether you’re into the charming features of old buildings or the dramatic silhouettes of modern ones, shooting architecture is endlessly expiring. Make it easy for other architecture lovers to find your work by using these hashtags:

#architecturephotography #architecturelovers #facadedesign #archilover #architexture #archi_lover

Top Graffiti Street Photography Hashtags

If you’re into street art, there’s no shortage of cool graffiti to capture in most cities. Graffiti has been elevated in recent decades and is now appreciated as a serious art form alongside more established kinds of visual art, and there’s a huge community of fans to prove it. Get in front of them with these hashtags:

#graffitibombing #lovegraffiti #graffitiphotography #graff #graffiti_magazine #graffitiworld

Top Fine Art Street Photography Hashtags

Street photography offers plenty of moments where you can take shots that would be right at home hanging on someone’s wall or in an art gallery. If you take this kind of street photography, you can sell your images as fine art prints. To find potential customers, use these hashtags on your fine art street photos:

#streetart #streetarteverywhere #urbanart #contemporaryart #photographicart #fineartphoto

Top Portrait Street Photography Hashtags

Who doesn’t love a good portrait? Whether you shoot candids of people you see on the street, or you like asking passersby for the opportunity to capture them, as a street photographer there is always a new interesting face to photograph. Tag your portraits with these tags:

#streetportrait #lensculturestreet #candidstreet #streetportraiture #streetlife_award #streetstorytelling

Top Event Street Photography Hashtags

When streets come to life thanks to events or festivals, that’s a great time to get your camera out. These hashtags are popular for images of street events, but in addition to these, you’ll want to find out if there are any event-specific tags that people are using, and make sure you add those to increase your chances of getting seen.

#streetfestival #streetshow #streetfest #streetislife #bestofstreet #streetmoment

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