11 Geschenke für Designer unter $300

Shopping for the designer in your life can be difficult. So we asked real designers what gifts they want to unwrap this year.

designer gifts

Shopping for loved ones is hard enough, but if they’re a designer? Well, they probably have some very particular tastes. But don’t worry—CreativeLive took on the hard work of finding the perfect gift for the designer in your life. They asked their designers what they’d want to unwrap this year. Best part? You don’t even need to buy wrapping paper if you’re gifting a CreativeLive class.

Check out their picks for classes and other gifts below.


Squire from Baronfig ($60) Hands down the best pen a designer will ever own. Comes with refills and comes in two colors: charcoal and silver.

In Progress ($20) Jessica Hische’s book on Hand Lettering from Chronicle is a must-own for every designer.

Wall Decor from Paper Jam Press ($29-$49) Celebrating hip hop lyrics, Paper Jam Press has some pretty sick and motivating art starting at $30, which is perfect for any designer that needs to get sh*t done.

Herschel Backpack ($60+) Artists need their laptop and other gear with them at all times, so why not help them tote it in the coolest backpacks around?

Ampersand Statue ($250) The ampersand statue from House Industries is a perfect home decor solution for the type obsessed.

Splurge: Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones ($350) If you’ve got a little bit more cash to spare, the Bose Wireless Noise cancelling headphones are the best on the market; Pricey at $350 but worth their weight in productivity.


Graphic Design Fundamentals: The Complete Set ($140) The fundamentals of graphic design lays the foundation for becoming a graphic designer. This set of classes includes everything your budding designer needs to get started.

Thinking Like a Book Designer With Michael Bierut and Jessica Helfand ($79) Print is not dead, and this class goes deep on the key elements of book design, taught by two of the worlds best designers.

Bold and Fearless Design With James Victore ($79) An empowered designer is a truly creative designer. Let designer, author, artist, and activist, James Victore show your giftee how to trust his or her instinct and embrace imperfection.

A Brand Called You With Debbie Millman ($79) Debbie Millman is one of the most influential design minds of our time, and in this class she teaches how to attract more of the work you love through communication and articulating your purpose.

Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud: Essentials For Creating Projects ($99) Brian Wood teaches a dynamic course on everything designers need to know about Adobe Illustrator.


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