Photojournalists Follow The Everyday Lives of Syrians Affected by Conflict

From persistent media coverage to victim relief and refugee movement, this is an issue that the world at large has not been able to ignore.

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It’s hard to ignore Syria’s ongoing civil war. Regardless of where you are in the world, media coverage, public opinion, and recent outpour of refugee movement has made this middle eastern conflict a worldwide issue. Although most of us will never experience the trauma of war firsthand, a number of photojournalists at ground-level are helping to share the stories of Syrians and give a voice to those who otherwise might never get a chance to speak up.

We’ve compiled a list of only some of the photographers chronicling this story as it develops. For more information, you can check out the UN Refugee Agency oder Amnesty International. If you’d like to donate to the cause, more information can be found on the Charity Intelligence website, or through a similar organization in your region.


Loulou d’Aki /


Bradley Secker /


Alex Kay Potter /


Holly Pickett /


Emin Ozmen /

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