Website Design Ideas: The Best Sites Made with Our Kiln Theme

Format's newest website theme Kiln has loads of fun customizable features. Here are some of the best sites created with it so far.

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Our latest theme, Kiln, was inspired by pottery. With a customizable tilted logo, a quirky side scroll graphic detail, and other fun options, it’s one of Format’s most creative themes yet.

We had a look at the creators who’ve tested out Kiln already, and the results are stunning. Kiln has already been used to build some beautiful websites. We selected five of our favorites here, from some talented photographers and artists who are showing off their work online in an innovative way. Scroll down for inspiration, and try out Kiln for yourself.

Noch mehr Inspiration für dein Portfolio findest du in unserer Übersicht der besten Portfolios, die mit Format erstellt wurden.


Nathalie Kossek

Nathalie Kossek is based in Venice Beach, California, where she photographs, designs, and directs. Kossek specializes in shooting sports, with surf photography and commissions for Nike lending an action-packed feel to her portfolio website. Her unique font choice makes for a memorable logo.


Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee

Based between London and Singapore, photographer Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee explores themes of identity, memory, and femininity in her work. Lee’s website looks polished and simple, with a classic serif font and pale pink background providing a welcome neutral setting for her photographic work.


James Brook

Photographer James Brook takes Kiln’s text-tilting abilities to the extreme with a jumbled up logo that gives a contemporary feel to his website. Brook’s navy blue and yellow color scheme further adds a playful look to his portfolio and also contrasts the often muted tones of his photography, which tends to focus on mundane everyday scenes and spaces. Brook organizes his menu via the titles of his photo series, making for an enigmatic navigation experience.


Lia Lepre

Toronto-based artist Lia Lepre sets her portfolio website apart with a salmon-hued background and a cartoon character logo. Lepre’s practice includes painting, ceramics, illustrations, and designs for show flyers, logos, and t-shirts. She keeps everything organized with separate galleries for each variety of work.


Maria Kanjewskaja

Maria Kanevskaya got hooked on photography eight years ago when she moved from St Petersburg to San Francisco to study English. She picked up a camera for fun and from there it developed into a full-time passion. Kanevskaya’s photography website showcases mostly fashion and portrait work, with large-sized images that offer a compelling vertically-scrolling experience.

Cover image: Sonjay Williams.


  • Ikone schwarz

    Wir bei Format sind eine leidenschaftliche Gruppe von Menschen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Technologie und Kreativität, die ein Ziel verbindet: Fotografen zum Erfolg zu verhelfen. Unser Team hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Fotografen und kreativen Künstlern die Werkzeuge und Ressourcen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die sie brauchen, um ihre Arbeit zu teilen und ihr Geschäft auszubauen.

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