Die Arbeit, die Kia Dyson auf Beyonce Dot Com gebracht hat

Photographer/digital artist Kia Dyson has a distinct, bold style that she brings out in both her mediums of choice.

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Brooklyn-based Kia Chenelle Dyson is a photographer and digital artist drawn to the processes of growth and development, capturing artists, writers and designers as they each navigate their creative realms. Her fashion and portraiture work has been featured on The Cut, Beyonce.com and Vogue Italia, among others.

More recently she has begun documenting her own family in a standalone portrait series, combining elements of her childhood with those of family members who still live in her native Baltimore.


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Entfalte dein kreatives Potenzial

Verbessere deine kreative Arbeit mit unserem exklusiven Starterpaket. Erhalte unschätzbare Einblicke, Werkzeuge und Strategien, um dein Handwerk zu verfeinern, deine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, ein beeindruckendes Online-Portfolio zu erstellen und deine berufliche Entwicklung voranzutreiben.

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