How Photographers See Home

For our latest Format Picks contest, we asked you to share images that show what home looks like. See our favorite images and the winning shot by photographer Dillion Sipho Phiri.

home_ _format_ harare

Format Picks ist unsere fortlaufende Wettbewerbsserie, bei der Künstlerinnen und Künstler aufgefordert werden, Arbeiten zu einer Vielzahl von Themen einzureichen. Bisher haben wir die Teilnehmer gebeten, sich mit Themen wie Reisen, Städte, und Selbstporträtierung.

For our latest edition of Format Picks, we asked people to submit images around the theme of home. We saw loads of incredible submissions on Instagram, depicting homes around the world.

One entry stood out to us: it was a black and white image by South Africa-based Dillion Sipho Phiri. Shot on Fujifilm X100F, Phiri’s photo shows a bustling street in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital city.

“I was born in a country I feel foreign in whenever I return,” Phiri shared in his photo caption. “Zimbabwe will always be home for me. I love the entrepreneurial nature of the residents here and how they have had to make do with the situation. No matter where I am I will always love this country. This is home but not a place I can live in.”

Phiri has won $100 towards his creative work. Find his winning photo below, as well as a selection of some of our other favorite images of home.

A post shared by Tom shea (@tomfoxshea) auf

Dog Lake

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Holly Chang • 何惠册 (@holly.m.chang) on

This image titled BBQ is part of my ongoing series Are We There Yet? I’m excited to say that this work will be exhibited at the Grubbs Gallery at The Williston Northampton School in Easthampton, MA in the coming months. As the work is ongoing, there will be new images in the exhibit that have yet to be shown. This work explores idealized notions of gender, domestic space and masculine identity as they pertain to representations of family, fatherhood, and truth. — #exhibition #artphoto #formatpickshome #parenting #parenthood #fatherhood #tableau #constructedreality #photoshop #suburbia #domesticity #family #artphotography #grilling #gallery #photoproject #ilovephotography @useformat @photoshop

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Zachary P. Stephens, M.F.A (@zacharypstephens) on

grandma #formatpickshome

Ein Beitrag geteilt von matthew denicola (@mattiopattio) on

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