Die visuelle Wirkung einer minimalen Ästhetik mit der französisch-schweizerischen Fotografin Émilie Möri

Get inspired by surrealist photographer Émilie Möri’s minimalist, dreamlike images.

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Émilie Möri is a Franco-Swiss surrealist photographer based in Paris. Since 2012, her focus has been on creating dreamlike, minimalistic visual worlds through digital collages. Möri’s work often features isolated subjects in vast, quiet spaces, inviting viewers to explore their own emotions and stories. Each piece aims to reflect universal feelings and to offer a moment of introspection and escape.

Her interest in photography began with a deep fascination for surrealism and storytelling. “I realized early on that photography allowed me to create scenes that didn’t need to adhere to traditional logic,” says Möri. The freedom to bend reality, explore deeper emotions, and work with symbolic imagery led her organically to a style that reflects both personal experiences and universal themes. Photography became her way of expressing stories that words couldn’t capture.

long exposure image of person wearing dark blue and red dancing across a yellow backdrop. Titled Dance II n°28 by Émilie Möri
“Dance II n°28”

An essential part of Möri’s creative process, she creates sketches for each concept. Before she begins photographing, she uses these sketches to plan out the image, from composition, colors, and down to the smallest details. This process and preparation helps her to translate her ideas from imagination to reality, refining the elements until it feels right. The final sketches also provide a clear direction and purpose when Möri is ready to shoot, ensuring the image aligns with the emotional and visual impact she wants to create.

Through her portfolio, she shares her vision with the world. Viewed by Möri as more than simply a collection of images; her online portfolio is a curated narrative that reflects her growth, style, and the concepts that matter most to her as a visual artist. Over the past twelve years, Möri has learned to trust in her own unique voice and vision—to experiment, make mistakes, and take time to find her own style. 

image shows a photo book laying open on a white surface.
Inside look at pages in Emilie Möri’s new photo book, “Horizon”

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Horizon is a project close to Möri’s heart, capturing a decade of her work in surrealist photography. The book centers around themes like movement, balance, grace, and femininity, showcasing some of her most cherished images. It’s designed as a luxurious edition, with a few surprises for those who preordered, and each preorder copy is signed and numbered. The “Horizon” photo book launches online in December 2024. Copies of Horizon are available for purchase through her website. 

Front and back cover of Emilie Möri's new photo book, "Horizon" laying open on a white surface with the cover facing up.
Front and back cover of Emilie Möri’s photo book, “Horizon”

Möri is also planning a few new photo projects that she’ll be working on throughout 2025, each with vibrant colors, minimalist aesthetics, and exploring themes like solitude, identity, and the cyclical nature of life. The first is “Boo’s Journey,” where Boo becomes the mirror of hypersensitive personalities. In this series, the spectator is invited to explore his fragility and see the beauty in sensitivity.

To view more of Émilie Möri’s work, Schau dir ihr Format-Portfolio an und folge ihr auf Instagram für unfertige Arbeiten.

Featured image for this article by Émilie Möri: “Upstairs”

composite image of glacier floating in the ocean by a beach with people, titled "global warming" by Émilie Möri
“Global Warming”
woman standing is water wearing a black dress and holding a round mirror that reflects the sunset. Titled "The shades of my lake" by Émilie Möri
“The shades of my lake”
view from inside a room with glass slideing doors, looking out at a deck over glassy water. A gray sweater is around a long pink curtain, a woman's hands emerging from the sleeves of the sweater. Image by Émilie Möri
woman in jeans a tshirt and bare feet standing in the wet sand at a cloudy beach, shaking bright yellow fabric. titled "New summers" by Émilie Möri
“New Summers”
Emilie Mori framed print of woman in field hanging in sunlit beige room
Image from Möri’s “Red Stole” series.


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    Amanda Whitegiver ist Fotografin und Autorin und lebt in Maine. Sie hat sich auf Familien- und Markenfotografie spezialisiert und hat sowohl als Fotografin als auch als Autorin für lokale Publikationen gearbeitet, die Frauen in Maine in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Als Absolventin des Maine College of Art and Design (BFA) nutzt sie ihre 20-jährige Erfahrung als Inhaberin eines Kleinunternehmens und ihren künstlerischen Hintergrund, um Kreativschaffende beim Aufbau ihrer Praxis zu unterstützen.

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