Collage-Künstlerin YoYo Lander über die Erforschung der Essenz der Menschlichkeit

YoYo Lander ist eine zeitgenössische Künstlerin mit Sitz in Los Angeles, Kalifornien. Lander ist bekannt für ihre komplizierten, ausdrucksstarken Collagen, die sie aus einzeln gefärbten Aquarellpapieren erstellt. In ihren Arbeiten erforscht Lander die menschliche Verletzlichkeit durch verschiedene Porträtserien und Stillleben. Mit Format sprach sie über ihren persönlichen Weg als Künstlerin, den intuitiven Prozess der Motivauswahl und ihre kommenden Projekte.

YoYo Lander. 2023 scaled

Kannst du dich und deine Arbeit vorstellen? 

I’m YoYo Lander, a Los Angeles, CA based artist whose artistic focus lies in collage, where I delve into the essence of humanity.

How did you get started making art and what led you to this path? 

I’ve been an artist my entire life. Whenever I was bored, nervous, daydreaming, or lost in thought, I’d start doodling. Those doodles evolved into designing women’s fashion, which led me to sewing. Sewing then sparked an interest in acting, which transitioned into producing events. From there, my journey took me into traveling, which ignited a passion for photography. Eventually, photography brought me back to my first love—drawing.

Reflecting on this journey, I’ve come to realize that my curiosity has been the guiding force in discovering what truly resonates with me and how I want to express myself. What I’ve discovered is a profound fascination with vulnerability. I am drawn to capturing those moments when people are lost in thought or quietly reflecting. There is a profound beauty in these unguarded, unmasked moments, and it has become my mission to express this essence through my art.

Collage art of a female head and shoulders on a white background YoYo Lander. No Victory or Defeat Here #2. 2021. Close up image. Private Collection
No Victory or Defeat Here #2. 2021. Close up image. Private Collection
Collage art of a female figure on a white background YoYo Lander. Nowhere To Be Until September. 2020. Private Collection
Nowhere To Be Until September. 2020. Private Collection
Collage art of a female figure on a white background YoYo Lander. A Room With No Doors. 2023. Private Collection
A Room With No Doors. 2023. Private Collection

You have a work in progress titled “100 Women”–what was the inspiration for this project? 

100 Women is an ongoing series that I hope to never complete. I’m deeply fascinated by humanity, and I want to capture the beauty of all the incredible people I meet. It began as a portrait series, but as I explore more abstract work and other art forms, it will continue to evolve.

Collage art of a female figure in a green sweater on a white background YoYo Lander. Zurin. 2024. Private Collection
Zurin. 2024. Private Collection
Collage art of a female figure on a white background YoYo Lander. Philena #2. 2023. Zidoun Bossuyt. Paris, FR
Philena #2. 2023. Zidoun Bossuyt. Paris, FR
Collage art of a female figure on a beige background by YoYo Lander, hung on a gallery wall by modern wooden stools. Title of work: Her Mind is Always in Three Places. 2020. CFHILL Stockholm, Sweden
Her Mind is Always in Three Places. 2020. CFHILL Stockholm, Sweden

Your work is very expressive and gestural–can you talk about how you convey emotions through your portraits?

In my portrait collages, I utilize watercolor to stain the materials. It brings this special flow and sense of tranquility to my artwork that I find unique. 

My passion is to use body language as an introduction to the context. Choosing my subjects is very intuitive. I go with what I feel. I take several photographs of my subjects; then, I combine them to express a definitive image through individually stained pieces of watercolor paper. When the work is complete, one will find a sense of truth, perhaps a moment that you’ve seen or experienced.

I believe it’s truly a collaborative endeavor involving my subjects, materials, and technique.

Collage art of a female figure on a white background by YoYo Lander. Countenance #9. 2023. Private Collection
Countenance #9. 2023. Private Collection
Collage art of a male figure on a white background by YoYo Lander. Countenance #10. 2023. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Countenance #10. 2023. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Collage art of female figures on a white background by YoYo Lander. Jacquelyn and Kenni. 2023. Zidoun Bossuyt. Paris, FR
Jacquelyn and Kenni. 2023. Zidoun Bossuyt. Paris, FR

Do you have any upcoming projects you can share with us?

I’m thrilled to announce that I have two upcoming group museum exhibitions this year, alongside a few other group exhibitions. Currently, ‘How Do You Want to See Yourself’ is being showcased at Galleria Anna Marra in Rome, Italy, until July 13th, while ‘Odalisque’ is on display at Bunker Art Space in West Palm Beach, Florida, continuing until Fall 2024.

Among the museum exhibitions are ‘When We See Us’ unter Kunstmuseum in Basel, Switzerland, running from May 25th to October 27th, and ‘Multiplicity: Blackness in Contemporary American Collage’ unter The Phillips Collection in Washington, DC, taking place from July 6th to September 22nd, 2024.

You can also enjoy YoYo Lander’s work via her Online-Portfolio-Website, erstellt mit Formatund folge ihr auf Instagram um über ihre kommenden Veranstaltungen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.

collage art of flowers in a jar in shades of black on a black background by YoYo Lander. Untitled Flower Collage #4. 2023. Private Collection
Untitled Flower Collage #4. 2023. Private Collection
collage art of flowers in a jar in shades of black on a black background YoYo Lander. Untitled Flower Collage #3. 2023. Private Collection
Untitled Flower Collage #3. 2023. Private Collection
collage art of flowers in a jar in shades of black, pink, and lavender on a black background YoYo Lander. Untitled Flower Collage #1. 2023. Private Collection
Untitled Flower Collage #1. 2023. Private Collection


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