Call for Entry: Format Picks June

Entry is open for our June artist contest. This month, the theme is travel.


Format Picks is our monthly contest series. Launched in February 2018, it’s an open call for creative work of all kinds, always free to enter. At the beginning of every month, we’ll announce a new theme for you to interpret.

So far, we’ve asked our community to submit work around themes that included the color red, Selbstporträtierung, und die Stadt.

June’s contest theme

This month, the theme for Format Picks is travel.

With summer weather comes the urge to get out of the office and the city and to go somewhere completely new. Of course we can’t always make the summer vacation we’re dreaming of a reality, but at least art offers space to imagine the possibilities of travel, or reflect on past adventures.

We’re not just looking for vacation snapshots (though of course you can submit them!). We welcome submissions of drawings, paintings, collage, and any other visual form that explores themes such as getting lost, going on holiday, feeling out of place, moving to a new location, or any other travel-related idea.

Was du einreichen solltest

You can submit work in the form of photography, drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, GIF, digital illustration, or any other visual medium you choose. Entry is limited to one image per person. If you submit more than one image, only the first one you submit will be considered a valid entry.

Images should preferably be a minimum of 1200 pixels wide and 72 dpi resolution. JPG or PNG files are best. Please include your first and last name in the file name of your submission.

Your submission should also include a brief statement on how your work relates to the theme of travel.

Introducing June’s guest judge

This month, we’ve asked photographer Mio Monasch to help select one of our winners. Based in Seattle, Mio is a photographer focused on travel and landscape work. Whether shooting for brands like Coleman and Land Rover or just for fun, Mio is a pro at capturing outdoor adventures.

Der Preis

For Format Picks June, we will be giving away two awards of $250 USD each. One winner will be selected by our guest judge Mio Monasch, and one winner will be selected by Format. Both winners will have their work featured in a Format Magazine article. Last month, we highlighted winners Anastasia Samoylova und Evangelia Aktipi for their images exploring the theme of the environment.

Wie man einreicht

Click the link below and fill out the form to submit your work. The deadline for entries is June 30th, 11:59 pm EDT. Good luck!

Click here to submit to Format Picks


  • Ikone schwarz

    Wir bei Format sind eine leidenschaftliche Gruppe von Menschen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Technologie und Kreativität, die ein Ziel verbindet: Fotografen zum Erfolg zu verhelfen. Unser Team hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Fotografen und kreativen Künstlern die Werkzeuge und Ressourcen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die sie brauchen, um ihre Arbeit zu teilen und ihr Geschäft auszubauen.

A4 1 4

Entfalte dein kreatives Potenzial

Verbessere deine kreative Arbeit mit unserem exklusiven Starterpaket. Erhalte unschätzbare Einblicke, Werkzeuge und Strategien, um dein Handwerk zu verfeinern, deine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, ein beeindruckendes Online-Portfolio zu erstellen und deine berufliche Entwicklung voranzutreiben.

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