Mach mit bei den Booooooom Photography Awards: Unterstützt von Format

Exciting news! Format is proud to support in its second annual Photography Awards. Compete for a chance to win $1,000, editorial coverage, and more.

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Calling all photographers! Format is excited to announce our support of on its second annual Photo Awards. Compete for a chance to win $1,000 USD, editorial coverage, and a lifetime subscription to Format.

Wer ist Booooooom? is a recognized authority on art and photography. Launched in 2008 in Vancouver, it is the largest online art platform in Canada, and one of the largest in the world. Over the past 15 years, they’ve captured the attention of a massive audience, highlighting the work of emerging talents and launching the careers of many young artists internationally. 

Durch die Bereitstellung einer Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten für Künstlerinnen und Künstler - wie z.B. laufende Einreichungen, Künstlerinterviews und vieles mehr - hat sich Boooooom seit seiner Gründung für die Arbeit von aufstrebenden Kreativen eingesetzt.

Über die Fotopreise

Last year, Booooooom hosted their first-ever Photo Awards. The competition saw the highest number of submissions of any prior call on Booooooom, garnering wide international attention. The awards exist to propel the winners toward successful careers in their chosen field. You can view the winners and shortlisted submissions from last year’s awards hier.

Wir bei Format wissen, wie wichtig es ist, Räume und Möglichkeiten zu schaffen, um Kreative und ihre Arbeit zu feiern. Wir wollen Kreativen helfen, zu wachsen und ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen, und wir sind gespannt, was die diesjährigen Photo Awards zu bieten haben!

Photo by Van Nhi Nguyen showing two male figures resting on one another wearing their undershorts
COMMUNITY (WINNER 2022 Booooooom Photo Awards): Photo by Vân-Nhi Nguyễn


This international competition will grant awards to photographers in five categories:  

PORTRAIT — Human subjects are the focus here.

NATURE — Images related to land, sea, sky, and the natural world.

STREET — Street photography is generally understood to be candid unposed moments of everyday life in public spaces. Images may be spontaneous and chaotic or they may be more quiet observations.

COLOR — Images may feature one color or an explosion of many. Or maybe they capture a few that feel in perfect harmony with one another. How can you make the viewer notice the color first?

SHADOWS — Silhouettes and dark shapes. Change your focus from the things that cast the shadows to the shadows themselves.

Each category winner will be awarded a $1,000 USD cash prize, editorial and social coverage, and a feature in Booooooom’s print publication. Format is offering 3 lifetime subscriptions to contest participants. 

Winners and shortlisted photographers will also receive a special mini printed zine of all winning and shortlisted work. This publication will not be for sale, but will be sent to curators and editors of Booooooom’s choosing. Don’t miss out—this is your chance to get your work seen!

portrait of a black man wearing a mustard yellow leather jacket with a colorful patterned collared shirt underneath. he is holding a large rectangular clear filter in front of his face, causing his features to appear distorted
PEOPLE (Winner 2022 Booooooom Photo Awards): Photo by Amber Hakim

Wie man eintritt

Everyone is welcome to submit one image to these awards for FREE. members enjoy unlimited submissions and unlimited images for all award categories. Non-members can also submit up to 10 additional images to one category for a fee of $15 USD.

If you want to submit more than one image or compete in multiple categories, consider becoming a Booooooom member! 

5 Winners will receive:

  • $5000 USD an Geldpreisen (5 x $1000 USD Preise)
  • Interview Feature published in Photo Awards zine
  • Redaktionelle Berichterstattung auf Booooooom + Werbung auf allen sozialen Kanälen
  • Redaktionelle Berichterstattung im Format Magazin

Die 20 Zweitplatzierten erhalten:

  • Image published in Photo Awards zine
  • Redaktionelle Berichterstattung auf Booooooom + Werbung auf allen sozialen Kanälen

You can view the full details of the competition on Booooooom, including a list of rules, terms, and conditions. Start combing through your best work and submit your images for consideration before January 12, 2024. We can’t wait to see what amazing work our community of photographers submits!

a black and white image of large rocky outcroppings surrounded by water, and people both swimming and waiting jumping off the rocks into the water below.
SERENDIPITY (Winner 2022 Booooooom Photo Awards): Photo by Jeremy Au Yeung

pink-toned desert landscape with a single electric pole in the center and blue mountains in the distance
PLACES (WINNER 2022 Booooooom Photo Awards): Photo by Ophélie Maurus

black and white image of an open space with trash all over the ground and several smokestacks in the distance. On the left, some of the trash is on fire, and a person stands to the right beside their makeshift bicycle carriage.
CLIMATE (Winner 2022 Booooooom Photo Awards): Photo by Mithail Afrige Chowdhury

image from above a modern purple chair on a grey carpet with a pair of small scissors and two bound sections of hair, like the ends of a ponytail, resting in the seat
THINGS (Winner 2022 Booooooom Photo Awards): Photo by Skye Tao


  • Ikone schwarz

    Wir bei Format sind eine leidenschaftliche Gruppe von Menschen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Technologie und Kreativität, die ein Ziel verbindet: Fotografen zum Erfolg zu verhelfen. Unser Team hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Fotografen und kreativen Künstlern die Werkzeuge und Ressourcen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die sie brauchen, um ihre Arbeit zu teilen und ihr Geschäft auszubauen.

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