Holding the beating heart: the art of conducting in Playback Theatre

About the workshop

14-15 September 2024 in Berlin, Germany

A Playback Theatre conductor holds the beating heart of the performance in their hands. It is a big responsibility that includes meeting the diverse needs of tellers, performers, and audiences, and serving the emerging needs of each moment during the performance.

With so much going on, how do we create the right atmosphere, build connections and hold an inclusive and safe space? How do we work with difficult tellings and sensitive stories? And at the same time, how can we also be present, curious, sensitive and true to ourselves? 

In this workshop we will explore those questions in the context of the arc of a performance. As we do so we will work with the four elements of narrative reticulation: story, guidance, atmosphere and spontaneity. 

The workshop is for anyone who already conducts in rehearsals or performances, or who wants to do so in the future. But it's not just for those people - everyone in playback needs to taste the complexity of the conductor’s role, even if they have no plans to be a conductor in the future!

The workshop is led by Gerry Orkin and is facilitated in English. Some translation support may be available. It is suitable for people with at least one year of experience of Playback Theatre.

Do you have questions about the workshop? Email Gerry here.

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